Store coffee in a glass air tight container, preferably in a cabinet or dark area. Air and moisture are coffee’s kryptonite; they stale the beans and kill the beauty. Don’t kill the beauty.
How long do my beans stay fresh?
While coffee may take many months to "spoil". We recommend planning to enjoy your Mudhouse coffee within three week of the stated roast date.
What else can I do to get the most out of my beans?
Always buy whole bean (not pre-ground) coffee. Look for a grinder that uses burrs like the baratza encore instead of the classic "whirly bird" blade grinder. Utilize a scale when brewing coffee and aim for a 16:1 water to coffee ratio by weight when brewing. Lastly, ensure that if you are brewing hot coffee that your water is between 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit.
Is your coffee vegetarian?
Yes, our coffee is Vegan, and Gluten Free. In addition, it has no MSG.
Where is that Marcala I’ve been ordering?
We source in small lots, sometimes tiny farms with only a few bags of green beans. We won’t always have every coffee. It’s seasonal, like the summer tomato straight from the vine or the kale picked after the first frost. But we will continue to source beautiful coffees from beautiful people, you have our pledge.
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