Coffee: 46g coffee, coarse Grind
Grind Water: 710g Water (205 Degree F)
Brew Time: 41/2 - 5 minutes
Step 1
Rinse filter thoroughly with hot water. Pour out rinse water.
Step 2
Add ground coffee to filter, shake gently to level bed of grounds.
Step 3
Pour approximately 80 grams of water over the grounds, evenly soaking all grounds. Be careful not to pour directly onto the filter. Allow coffee to sit for approximately 40 seconds.
Step 4
After allowing the coffee to Degas for 40 seconds, gently pour additional water on top of the grounds until the level of the slurry reaches approximately ⅓ of the way up the cone. Be careful not to pour directly onto the filter.
Step 5
Dispose of the filter, swirl the coffee around inside the chemex and serve.
Step 6
Dispose of the filter, swirl the coffee around inside the chemex and serve.
Step 7

Coffee: 18g coffee, Medium-fine grind
Grind Water: 200g water (170-180 Degrees F)
Brew Time: 2 minutes
Step 1
Invert Aeropress and preheat with hot water.
Step 2
Empty water and add coffee to brew chamber.
Step 3
Place Aeropress on scale and tare the scale.
Step 4
Start timer and add hot water.
Step 5
When timer reaches 1½ minutes, screw on filter chamber and flip over the Aeropress, placing it on top of a coffee mug.
Step 6
When timer reaches 1½ minutes, screw on filter chamber and flip over the Aeropress, placing it on top of a coffee mug.
Step 7
Gently press down on the plunger until you hear a hiss. Remove the Aeropress from the mug and enjoy!

Coffee: 46g coffee, coarse Grind
Grind Water: 710g Water (205 Degree F)
Brew Time: 41/2 - 5 minutes
Step 1
Rinse filter thoroughly with hot water. Pour out rinse water.
Step 2
Add ground coffee to filter, shake gently to level bed of grounds.
Step 3
Pour approximately 80 grams of water over the grounds, evenly soaking all grounds. Be careful not to pour directly onto the filter. Allow coffee to sit for approximately 40 seconds.
Step 4
After allowing the coffee to Degas for 40 seconds, gently pour additional water on top of the grounds until the level of the slurry reaches approximately ⅓ of the way up the cone. Be careful not to pour directly onto the filter.
Step 5
Dispose of the filter, swirl the coffee around inside the chemex and serve.
Step 6
Dispose of the filter, swirl the coffee around inside the chemex and serve.
Step 7

Coffee: 46g coffee, coarse Grind
Grind Water: 710g Water (205 Degree F)
Brew Time: 41/2 - 5 minutes
Step 1
Rinse filter thoroughly with hot water. Pour out rinse water.
Step 2
Add ground coffee to filter, shake gently to level bed of grounds.
Step 3
Pour approximately 80 grams of water over the grounds, evenly soaking all grounds. Be careful not to pour directly onto the filter. Allow coffee to sit for approximately 40 seconds.
Step 4
After allowing the coffee to Degas for 40 seconds, gently pour additional water on top of the grounds until the level of the slurry reaches approximately ⅓ of the way up the cone. Be careful not to pour directly onto the filter.
Step 5
Dispose of the filter, swirl the coffee around inside the chemex and serve.
Step 6
Dispose of the filter, swirl the coffee around inside the chemex and serve.
Step 7